Shalav Daftuar
After heading the world's leading HR outsourcing companies for more than two decades, Shalav knew what is the exact pain of the business world and how that can be solved by managing a better performance of employees and at the same time keeping them engaged and happy. With this in mind, Shalav is on the journey to automate elements of business which is not done yet as per business heads and owners' vision for growth. Shalav with his wide and hands-on experience with the technology world's changes heads the project directed at sky-rocketing business profits and people happiness index. We hope you will enjoy the new journey!

Aaron Albuquerque
Developer of the website and the brains behind the working of the website. Aaron has always been interested in developing and planning new ideas with great leadership and team-work skills. He is always up for a challenge and is always eager to learn! His hobbies include trekking, hiking, playing football, cricket, badminton

Shweta Choudhary
Developer of the website and the brains behind the working of the website. Shweta is always interested in taking up new challenges and figuring out a way to complete it with 100% accuracy. With that keeping in mind this project came very handy for her and taking up responsiblities and leadership challenges seemed too easy for her.

Ruchira Patil
Developer of the website and the brains behind the working of the website. Ruchira is a multitasker who believes to reap results in terms of quality and work efficiently in a team environment. This project helped her develop a sense of professionalism and improve her problem-solving skills. Her hobbies include bike riding, playing badminton and dancing.

Rugwed Pimple
Developer of the website . Rugwed displayed amazing UI/UX skills. He displayed great programming skills in the development of this website.He is self-reliant, well behaved and above all, a person of strong character. He takes initiative whenever the situation arises and come off with flying colours. He is always energetic and willing to do any tasks that comes in his way. His hobbies include coding and reading.

Abhisha Jain
Developer of the website and the brains behind the working of the website. Abhisha efficiently plans and executes the required tasks while maintaining positive team synergy. She challenged herself out of her comfort zone and tries to complete the goals before deadline. She has a never give up attitude and achieves things she puts her mind to. Her hobbies include travelling and cooking.

Mohini Mali
Developer of the website and the brains behind the working of the website. Mohini identifies the root of a problem quickly & effectively and thrives on finding ways to make things work, no matter the challenge. Her hobbies include baking and playing chess.
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